
i love and hate you.

you know who you are.

you know who you are.

you know who you are.


dreams of falling, dreams of flying.

a man who never dreams goes slowly mad.

the dawn of science, the age of reason.

this is the voyage of the mind's eye.

you know who you are.

after all these years, still talking.

ah how i miss you... can't say that for everyone.


dear alex,

4 years, huh. where did it all go? the days seem to just go by now. thank you for being here, friend


i miss you too

those videos made me happier than anything else in the world.

oh, and about the pineapple and moth situation... let's just say I prefer dog soup these days.

you wouldn't get that hehe

you're both lovely people, just too surrounded in yourselves

"can't you say the same thing about yourself?"

no. this is my place hahaha

ash and ember

parasocial relationships are insane, or maybe it's just me. don't do drugs kids xd. oh, and dont do alcohol, cut yourself, or attempt suicide. only me.

i'm here for a painful time, not a good one.

i'm only kidding
and loch, i'm only another "normal" person

sweep, brew, and ceo

lots of memories made, tragic it had to end so soon. and brew, you were as real as they get. everything seems so cold now.

everthing is like that. what was good is now turned shit. fuck this world, and fuck you for reading this.

that's just the applebees talking


some people seem to hate me for seemingly no reason. i've seen it far too many times. B-E-A-J-I-K-D-S. if you know you fucking know. please i am BEGGING YOU TO TRY SOMETHING :]:]:]:]:]:]

it's not in my head

to those who care

just give up. i already have.

i'm past convincing now, it's only a matter of when.

the book

not a person, but it is my greatest demon; worse than this. those who've seen it know...

it will be buried with me when i die.
dear dogsup, i look forward to meeting you someday. i promise it will happen.

to those i knew before this

i must have messed up somewhere. oh god. im sorry.

unless your name is james, then you can go straight to hell. fuck you, did i not try?

be punctual guys, it matters. it fucking matters. cunts.

broken ties, new bonds

j, we've seen a lot, laughed a lot,,, drank a lot.., it's crazy how much you can go through and stay the same as i've always known. if only i had that ability. and for the arson issue, you know how i was when we met, i'm still the same kid, just scuffed up a bit. you know i love you deep down, i don't understand the same? nor your persistance. i wish it was just us two at lunch again in the classrooms. you're eating a turkey and cheddar sandwich, i'm eating my own words.

L, but not that L. J and A too,

we never truly said goodbye to eachother. it pains me that i'm going back to being a stranger to everyone. at least we're happy going down the paths we are. remember when we were just freshmen? first day there was a clear sign we'd be friends, it's a shame we never connected as much as before. you'd be there when i was feeling down, or if we wanted to rage together on cod.

arson, arson, arson. always about your-fucking-self.

you need to lay off the vodka and narcissism. quit making these huge jumps to conclusions that DO NOT make sense by the way! what happened?? 7 months and you're gone. i guess it's just the way the world works.

and to dogsup, keep smoking that pack and tripping, at least you're having fun throughout it; i'm just getting by. love yourself as much as i love you, you're worth a hell of a lot more than you think you are.

dear arson, what went wrong?

no, this isn't a rhetorical; what happened? why can't you look back and truely reflect on your actions. you consistently fail to listen to what i have to say to you, actively go agains't it. dude, i thought you were smart. now you're just another liar in the book.

and you continue to fucking defy your own word. go to hell, those days are over now.
250+ days already. what happened?
dear arson, do you remember that show i put on for you? you're so fucking lucky it was just that. god if i could go back. one minute. ONE MINUTE. i'm fucking sick of it. you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to complain about. spoonfed your whole useless life. FUCK YOU.

take me home